Thursday 3 September 2015

Syria conflict: 'Global failure'

Syria is a land of worlds toughest people. Now a days we see that the Syrian people are migrating from their homeland to other countries. The question rises

"Why are they migrating?" & "What forces them to leave their homeland"

Answer to the question is simple "Syrian Civil war" or some call it as Syrian Revolution which is an ongoing conflict in Syria. The unrest began in early spring of 2011,when the moment started against president Bashar-Al-Asaad government, whose forces replied with armed crackdown.The conflict gradually morphed from prominent protests to an armed rebellion after months of military sieges. Apart from the history lets talk about the present conditions on Syria.
Syria is an global issue which is caused by its various government and armed groups such as ISIS and etc. These groups have taken the right from the people of Syria to live in their country like a common man they are forced to leave their land and no other country is willing to accept them is this the help the Syrians deserve? no they definitely deserve the best. Today countries like Germany France e.t.c are  not willing to let them stay. Syrian migrants are forced into the big harsh oceans, the migrant are non less then children, old, women, Families. Fathers lost their sons in front of them ,and yet they the ones who say they are peace makers are not even considering it. They should help them shouldn't they? being a human being a student, son, brother I feel that it is THEIR responsibility to let them in.

Most of the Syrian migrants are Mualims and yet the biggest , richest muslim country Saudia Arab is not opening their doors for them. Its a piety that the country of such a big magnitude is not helping them.
The human rights are completely demolished by the Governments.
With porous borders with most of its neighbors, the fighting has spilled over them, causing fears of a regional war. In June 2014, members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) crossed the border from Syria into northern Iraq, and have taken control of large swaths of Iraqi territory as the Iraqi Army abandoned its positions. The Syrian Civil War has led to incidents of sectarian violence in northern Lebanon between supporters and opponents of the Syrian government, and armed clashes between Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli.[719] Fighting between rebels and government forces has spilled into Lebanon on several occasions.
The fight between ISIL and the Kurds in the town of Kobani on the Turkish border has led to rioting throughout Turkey and to brief occupations of a number of parliament buildings in Western Europe.

   "People die everyday but this is a murder."

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